Deer as a quarry and deer hunting as a recreation have a unique, timeless appeal almost amounting to a faith in their exponents. The world’s literature confirms this. Indeed the Australian Hunting Archive contains in excess of 30,000 books, journals and articles chronicling Australia’s hunting heritage.
Australian deer hunters inclined by nature to be ruggedly individualistic, eventually realised there was need for a common voice.
The Australian Deer Association Inc. is and has been that influential voice since its formation in Melbourne on September 5 1969.
ADA has a long history of initiating deer research and related conservation activities, effective lobbying to increase hunting opportunities and active campaigning for access to public land for hunting.
Amongst politicians, public servants and the general public ADA has a reputation for effective, constructive and considered action that benefits the deer, hunting and the wider community.
ADA injects common sense and reasoned argument into all topics relating to deer management, deer hunting, land management and animal welfare. ADA takes its role as an advocate for the deer seriously and this is evident in the results it has achieved to date.
ADA members take a strong stand against cruelty and illegal hunters.
The ADA has promoted safe, responsible and ethical hunting as a cornerstone of and condition of membership for over 40 years.
Hunting and fishing are as old as mankind. With increasing urbanisation and growth of the “concrete jungle”, more and more people are returning to their roots by joining the great outdoor adventure – recreational hunting. In Australia, deer are recognised as the ultimate hunting challenge.
Are you ready to participate in the great outdoor adventure with ADA?
- World class hunter education opportunities
- Regular organised hunting trips
- Leading the fight for wild deer management and public land access for hunters
- Promoting the role of hunting and shooting in Australia’s history and culture
- Unrivalled insurance coverage
- Connection with the wider community
Become a member now!